Tensegrity Späti
Tensegrity is a structural concept promoted by architects and engineers such as Buckminster Fuller or Kenneth Snelson in the last century. Rigid linear elements float weightless in space held in tension by steel cables or rope. Seemingly defying gravity, these structures are configurable, lightweight and in equilibrium.
The intention of this research is to consider these structures as architecture rather than sculpture as they have been imagined and built historically. By adding cladding/skin, circulation and scale, these structures accumulate architectural elements that spatialise, program and rigidify them. By consisting of contemporary and sustainable materials such as wood, natural fibres and recycled materials, our hope is to offer a sustainable prototype for a common space with a low impact on the site or the ground.
Looking at the site at the entrance of the Iglasia de Santiago el Real as an urban insertion / pop up offering German beer and pretzels. The construction and seating elements are made of debarked wood, covered with a laser-cut textile membrane.
From April 27 to May 2 in Logroño, Spain
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