Barkow Leibinger

Barkow Leibinger
Schillerstraße 94, D–10625 Berlin
T +49(0)30 315712 -0 F -29


To transform the BDA exhibition space we are showing ideas about pattern making-as surface effects: Firstly as a 2D pattern, ornamental and repetitive like a wallpaper, with mirrored and repeated structures. Secondly in a kind of picture with a projection in a one point perspective. And thirdly as a materialized and extruded threedimensional pattern hung as a ceiling system. 

Project Information

exhibition 2D:3D Barkow Leibinger

BDA Galerie

Mommsenstrasse 64, 10629 Berlin, Germany


April 9th - May 4th 2014; Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 10am - 3pm and during the Gallery-Weekend (May 2nd, 6-9pm; May 3rd and 4th, 11am - 7pm)

Finissage: May 4th 2014, 4pm 



Barkow Leibinger, Berlin, Frank Barkow, Regine Leibinger



Gustav Düsing, Blake Villwock, Jens Weßel



© Gustav Düsing/Barkow Leibinger

© Ina Reinecke/Barkow Leibinger